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Helping risk professionals embark on a life-changing journey

Have you ever thought of relocating to the Middle East? If you have, perhaps something stopped you. Those nagging unanswered questions. What will it really be like out there? Is the money really tax free? What are the risks? What jobs are available? What is the culture really like? Or maybe you have never previously considered it, but your circumstances have changed, and you’d like to find out more about the opportunities on offer. 

The Ferryfield Group’s specialised risk recruitment division can answer all your questions, and support you from start-to-finish in what will be a life-changing decision.

Our staff all come from a risk background, and we have partnerships with expatriate, in-country risk professionals all over the Middle East.

We are members of the professional recruitment body APSCo, and also enjoy trusted advisor status with our clients in the region. 

TFG provides a free launchpad service for risk professionals who are considering a move to the Middle East. On signing up to the launchpad, you will receive the following value-added services provided by one of our risk experts: 

  • Comprehensive CV review and advisory service on how best to communicate experience and qualifications to potential employers.

  • Guidance on how best to position and brand yourself.

  • Face-to-face interview with a TFG team member to ascertain which roles and organisations are the best fit for you.

  • Background information on the market within different countries, projects, sectors, and organisations

  • The knowledge that TFG are well-connected and supported throughout the Middle East.

Once a suitable position is found, before proposing you for the role we will arrange an in-country Q & A session with a local expert who can answer your questions, before you decide whether to apply or not: 

  • What is it really like to live there as an expat?

  • What is the social life for the expat community?

  • How much can I really earn?

  • Is this the right move for me?

The service does not stop once we have placed you in a new role. We are stakeholders in everything going smoothly in your new chapter, and offer ongoing support to ensure things work out well:

  • In-country handholding/onboarding from interview through to relocation.

  • Visa advice and support

  • Advice on accommodation, schools & other family facilities, setting up bank accounts etc.

  • Introductions into the existing expat community

  • Ongoing contact and support throughout the settling in process. 

 © 2021, The Ferryfield Group, 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ, UK,, +44 20 3286 5061

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